Overview of Water Storage Tank Systems for Fire Protection
MRC’s fire protection water storage tanks are an excellent, cost effective storage solution ensuring water is readily available should a fire emergency occur. Our water storage fire tanks will store and pump the required water supply direct to your indoor sprinkler system to ensure any unexpected fires are controlled, and sprinkler systems are always fully operational.
MRC fire tanks also provide an excellent advertising opportunity for any business offering a space with high visual impact, while also being easy to move if and when required.
Our fire storage tanks are strong and resilient, made from zincalume to ensure durability and high resistance to corrosion. Lined with an Australian Water Quality Centre approved lining, these tanks provide an eco-friendly optional rain water harvesting storage facility that is safe for long-term water storage, low maintenance and convenient.
Each commercial and industrial building must have various individual fire safety measures in place collaborated closely with a fire engineer – as required for insurance purposes. Once specific safety requirements have been established, MRC will ensure your fire storage tanks are installed and fully operational – meeting all water pressure, flow rate and sprinkler duration requirements for your building.
Our fire tanks are also backed-up with an automated diesel engine system, resulting in reliable and fully operational sprinkler system to control any unexpected fire outbreak – even in the event of electrical failure.
MRC Africa’s installed water storage tank systems for fire protection are backed with the unrivalled single source ‘Guardian’ System Warranty which covers design, materials, installation & maintenance for the term of the water storage tank system.
Key Features of Fire Water Storage Tank Solutions
- Highly resistant to corrosion, durable , weather resistant
- Ensures fully operational and reliable sprinkler system
- Specifically designed to meet insurance fire and safety requirements
- Certified by professional engineers, easy onsite construction
- Contents not in direct contact with walls, cost effective
- Ready for operational use on commissioning, eco friendly
- Spares and accessories available, low maintenance
- Installation done at safe working heights, quick and easy
- Free span dome roof with no internal columns
- Tanks provide high visual impact advertising space
- Available in various colours and sizes
- Tried and trusted for more than 16 years.
- Backed with the up to 20 year ‘Guardian’ System Warranty
Applications of Water Storage Tanks
- Fire protection, mining, municipal and community water supply
- Water conservation, Food and Beverage storage
- Fire sprinkler and hydrant water storage, water treatment plants
- Emergency water supply, potable water storage
- Process water and waste collection
Technical Data of Water Storage Tank Systems for Fire Protection
Properties of a Water Storage Tank System
All wall panels and roof sheets are made from hot dipped steel coated in a molten alloy, also known as Zincalume – containing 55% aluminium, 43.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon. Sacraficial Magnesium anodes can also be applied in extreme cases to further inhibit potential corrosion. Steel grade G300 Zincalume.
Colours and finishes of a Water Storage Tank System
Mill finish – silver. Standard tanks can be painted with approved primers and paints. Various colours available on request. Specialist MRC thermal protective coatings to provide a coating that can reflect the sun’s rays and reduce the temperature within the water storage tank system.
The inner lining: of the tank is approved by The Australian Water Quality Centre standard AS/NZS/4020-2005:Testing of products for use in contact with Drinking Water.
Est. life span of liner: 60+ years under normal conditions
Prefabricated Industrial Sizes
Available in various sizes from 12kl to 3.3Ml (the largest single storage unit of its kind)
Roofs, Outlets and Inlets of a Water Storage Tank System
Dome roof: Zincalume corragated sheets 0.47mm thick. G550 high tensile grade with AZ150 coating. Trusses are hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.
Outlets / Inlets: All fittings and nozzles manufactured from mild steel and hot dipped galvanised to SANS 121:2011 ISO 1461:2009 after fabrication.
Pumps & Power Back Ups
All pumps to support the water storage tanks for fire protection are backed with automatic monitoring systems that ensure power to the pump in emergency circumstances. Should the electric power supply to the pump cease under the time when water needs to be pumped to the correct flow and pressure then the emergency diesel back up motor automatically starts and continues where the electrical power supply stopped.
General Availability and Delivery of the Water Storage Tank System
Availability: Standard range available immediately subject to stock availability. Non stock items 3 – 8 weeks
Delivery: 6 – 8 wks ex factory
Installation and Site Preparation of a Water Storage Tank System
Installation: 1-17 days dependant on number of tanks and sizes requested.
Site Preparation: The site must be level and capable of supporting a 100Pa with sand bed or concrete ring beam as required. Site prep to be arranged by client in accordance with engineers reccomendations prior to installation.
Water Storage Tank System Warranty
Up to 20 year, single source ‘Guardian’ System Warranty covers Design, Materials, Workmanship & Maintenance
Guarantees & Warranties of a Water Storage Tank System
MRC Africa’s up to 20 year ‘Guardian’ System Warranty cuts through the myth & mystic of product guarantees and workmanship warranties issued by the construction industry.
Traditionally a product guarantee would be issued by the manufacturer and the workmanship warranty would be issued by the installer of the water storage tank system. Two separate pieces of paper, with differing length of terms and when put alongside each other, never answered the question of who will pay for the materials and works such the over-roofing system fail.
‘Guardian’ System Warranty is an unrivalled new era of warranty that covers Design, Materials, Workmanship & Maintenance. The length of term for each element matches and is issued as a single source, transferrable warranty for the life of the guarantee of the water storage system.